Rating: 3/10
Watched in: Novo Cinemas IGM Park, Dubai, UAE
So this is what films in 2020 are capable of? Watching WW84 was almost painful. A conservative, stupid tale without any ideas, bad acting, almost cheap-looking visuals and a 80s-nostalgic which isn't working at all. This film is simply made for consuming – once you paid for the film ticket, the filmmakers literally shit on you. They bombard you with this shame of a film: an incoherent story with hundreds of plotholes, an unbelievable love story you couldn't care less about and an insulting 150-minutes runtime. While Nolan used his 150 minutes in Tenet to introduce us to a completely new way of experiencing time, Patty Jenkins wastes our time with boring and dull scenes in Washington D.C. And a ridiculously short stay in Egypt. What annoys me the most about WW84 though is the way the film pretends to be progressive: Over and over again, the film mentions men harassing women. Yes, that probably was the Number 1 topic of 2020 and the last years, but Jenkins shows us every man as an asshole who comments on the dress, the look, follows the female leads „like a creep“ or tries to rape her. I definitely appreciate that this topic found its way into big Hollywood productions, but the way this was portrayed in the film was clearly just to make more profit. Inserting all these anti-harassment scenes into the film has no feminist or emancipatory purpose. It just takes a trend and turns it into money. Thousands of people will come out of the cinema, a bit disappointed, but „at least the filmmakers were progressive“. Well, that's not at all the case. The rest of the film is as conservative as it can get. Men drive, men fly, a woman is shown as stupid enough to give away a magic stone just because of sex and all role models stay the same. WW84 is actually quite a toxic film, especially when it comes to Kristen Wiig's character, Barbara. First, the film makes a few statements about how a women should dress, look, that only High-Heels and a beautiful tight outfit will make her look appealing (for men). Barbara wishes to be like Gal Gadot's Diana – she wants to look like the most generic model you can find in every magazine. Obviously Wonder Woman's costume is so short that it especially pleases male audiences. There is absolutely nothing feminist or progressive about this film. It couldn't be less Women Empowerment. Wonder Woman 1984 is a gigantic effortless CGI-amusement park made for the only purpose to make money. For that reason, it exploits a progressive movement and tries to tell us this final message: „This world is beautiful. So many beautiful moments. No poverty, no war - everything is beautiful as long we privileged western people live in peace. Just be careful what you wish for – there is no reason to change anything in this wonderful perfect world.“ Not exactly in these words, but very near to that. My God, 2020 was a catastrophy for cinema. I wish 2021 is going to be better, and I won't renounce that wish.
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