Country: Botswana
Watched in: Rishikesh, UK, India
Rating: 7/10
The Gods must be Crazy, a to most audiences rather unknown south-african/ namibian production, tells the story of a desert Native who gets for the first time in contact with modern civilisation. The film is clever and funny - a fresh idea from a different part of the world than most films origin countries. It even criticizes the quick, individualistic life in modern society. Nevertheless, the true power of the film lies probably in it's authenticity. The main actor was an actual desert farmer who never travelled to any big city before and didn't speak any other languages than his own native one. Exactly how it happened in one of the film's scenes he even threw his salary for shooting the film, 300$, away, because he didn't understand the concept of money. You can feel the realness of how the main character learns on screen. The Gods must be Crazy is more than a good time.
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